Best Easy Abs Workout For Beginners

Abs are strong muscles that form a large part of the front wall of the body, and this area is used for things like breathing. It is also important for overall health and well-being. The abs is made up of several different muscle groups, which include the rectus abdominis muscle, the oblique muscles, and the transverse abdominis muscle. The abs are primarily used to keep your spine in place while sitting down or standing up straight. Abs also helps with breathing and plays a role in digestion.

Below are some exercises that you can do to tone your abs and strengthen them.

1. Bird-Dog Crunch

The bird-dog crunch is a compound move that works the entire abdominal region. You will need to use your arms for balance and a flat surface on which to perform the move. Stand on one leg, with feet hip-width apart. You can make sure your abs are tight by pulling in your belly button towards your spine and tightening your buttock muscles at the same time. Bend the opposite leg, bringing it toward the bent knee, until both legs are at 90 degrees from each other. Then straighten both legs out again, holding them off the ground for 2 seconds.

2. Seated Leg Lifts

This is a variation of the classic leg lift and works the obliques, which are located on your sides. You can do this move while sitting, standing or lying down. Begin by sitting up straight in a chair. Clasp your hands behind your head and push yourself away from the chair as you raise your legs up toward the ceiling. Make sure to keep your belly button pulled in and to raise your lower back towards the ceiling at the same time. Then lower one leg back down while keeping the other one raised (Note: It is not necessary to sit back down after using this exercise!). Hold for 2 seconds before alternating between both legs.

3. Sit-Ups

Sit-ups are a classic exercise for the abdominals and abs. You can perform this move by lying on your back, on the floor. Lace your hands behind your head, keeping them close together so that there is no space between your elbows and shoulders. Then lift your shoulder blades off the floor, using only your stomach muscles to pull yourself up. Keep raising yourself until you are sitting upright before lowering back down to complete 1 repetition.

4. Modified Bicycle Crunch

The modified bicycle crunch is a new take on an old favorite. It targets the obliques and also works your abs. Begin by lying down with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Then lift your legs off the floor, so that only your hands and shoulders are touching the ground. Next, twist from side to side, bringing one elbow towards one knee at a time. Make sure to keep breathing throughout this exercise to maximize effectiveness.

5. Crunches

This is one of the most common and easiest abs workouts for beginners. To perform this move you will need some sort of edge to hold onto, such as a table or a bed. Lie down on the edge and place your feet flat on the floor. To avoid injuring your back during this exercise, you should use a pillow to support the curve in your lower back. Bring your arms above your head with elbows bent and clasp your hands together. Next, lift your torso off the edge of the surface until you are sitting upright. Make sure not to pull yourself up using only your arms; instead, use your stomach muscles as well.

6. Spider Plank Crunch

The spider plank crunch is a move similar to the modified bicycle crunch, except you will use your forearms for balance instead of your hands. Begin by standing up straight in a push-up position. Then bring one elbow towards the opposite knee and push yourself off the ground with your feet, so that you are resting on your forearms and shoulders. Next, lift both knees up towards the ceiling and hold for 3 seconds before lowering back down to the floor.

7. Seated Leg Lifts

This is a variation of the classic leg lifts and works your obliques, which are on your sides. Begin by sitting up straight in a chair. Clasp your hands behind your head and push yourself away from the chair as you raise your legs up toward the ceiling. Keep your belly button pulled in and to raise your lower back towards the ceiling at the same time. Then lower one leg back down while keeping the other one raised.

8. Bird-Dog Crunch and Plank

The bird-dog crunch is a compound move that works the entire abdominal region. You will need to use your arms for balance and a flat surface on which to perform the move. Stand on one leg, with feet hip-width apart. You can make sure your abs are tight by pulling in your belly button towards your spine and tightening your buttock muscles at the same time. Bend the opposite leg, bringing it towards the bent knee, until both legs are at 90 degrees from each other. Then straighten both legs out again, holding them off the ground for 2 seconds.

Benefits of easy abs workout

1. Improves posture

The main benefit of performing abdominal exercises is that they help improve your posture. If you sit down all day at work or stand for long periods, it’s important to exercise your core muscles regularly so that your spine remains straight. Abs and core workouts also help prevent back pain because they stretch and strengthen the abdominal muscles.

2. Helps with digestion

Abdominal exercises are also extremely beneficial for digestion. When you perform those simple moves, you activate the abdominal muscles and loosen up your digestive system, which will promote a healthy gut flora along with proper elimination.

3. Improves mood

Performing regular abdominal exercises will improve your mood, which in turn will help you feel more energetic and happier. The feeling of being calm and in control is essential to being a happy person.


Although abdominal exercises may not seem like the most exciting workout, they are incredibly effective and very important even if you don’t have a ton of time to spare. They will improve your posture and help reduce lower back pain. You can even use advanced abdominal exercises such as the plank, Spider Plank Crunch, or the Side Planks to burn fat. If you want to try either an advanced or easy abs workout, check out this website: